郎靜山 Long Chin-San 彭瑞麟 Peng Ruei-Lin 鄧南光 Deng Nan-Guang 張才 Chang Tsai 李鳴鵰 Lee Ming-Tiao 鄭桑溪 Cheng Shang-HsiLogo -- Disc3: 張才 Chang Tsai-- Disc4: 李鳴鵰 Lee Ming-Tiao- Disc5: 鄭桑溪 Cheng Shang-Hsi-- Disc6: 彭瑞麟 Peng Ruei- Lin 「臺灣傑出攝影家紀錄片」以郎靜山、彭瑞麟、鄧南光、張才、李 鳴鵰、鄭桑溪六 位具代表性的臺灣前輩攝影家為傳主,從攝影家的生命史出發,聞 述攝影家的創作歷程。 Master of Photography in Taiwan: Documentary Series feature Long Chin-San, Peng Ruei-Lin, Deng Nan-Guang, Chang Tsai, Lee Ming-Tiao, and Cheng Shang-His, talking the life trajectories of the six masters as points of departure to expound on their photographic practices
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